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Gombe Governor Dissolves Cabinet, Relieves All Political Appointees

FILE: Gombe State Governor, Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya 

By Abdulwahab Muhammad, Bauchi 

...Accepts Resignation Of Head Of Civil Service, Appoints New One

Governor Muhammadu Inuwa Yahaya has dissolved the Gombe State Executive Council and equally approved the termination of the appointment of all political appointees with effect from today, Friday,  26th May,.2023.

However,  political office holders in statutory boards and commissions are excluded from this directive. Equally,  Local Government Caretaker chairmen will remain in charge of their respective councils until the expiration of their tenure on 19th June,  2023.

 Governor Inuwa Yahaya has also accepted the resignation of the Gombe State Head of Civil Service, Alhaji Bappayo Yahaya.  In his place, the Governor has approved the appointment of the Permanent Secretary/Principal Private Secretary ( PPS)  to the Governor,  Ahmed Kasimu Abdullahi as Acting Head of Civil Service.  

The Governor expressed appreciation to all the relieved appointees for their invaluable support and contribution to the success of his administration and wished them the best in their future endeavours. 

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