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Group Call For Restrain As National Assembly Elect Leaders

It is less than a week to elect the 10th leaders of the National Assembly, a group called ‘North East Youth Organization Forum’ has called on President Bola Ahmad Tinubu to not meddle in the affairs of electing the new leaders of the 10th Senate and House of Assembly and give the members total freedom to choose whom they want. 

This call was made by the Chairman of the group, Alhaji Abdulrahman Buba Kwacam while interacting with journalists in Abuja. 

Buba Kwacam further said they have learned that some elements that don’t have Nigeria at heart are on the verge of creating chaos and disarray; “they don't want the development of this country,. They want to bring disorder, violence and menace. Lack of sincerity and fairness compelled all the terrorism in Nigeria. Nigeria as a country needs to be ahead of this. We have to use our sense, wisdom and intellect”, he stressed.

He added; “in the upcoming elections next week, we realised that the court's order will be ignored. They planned to arrest some of those contesting for the leadership of Senate, and the Speaker of the House Assembly. They want to arrest them and released them after the election. We will not allow this to happen in this country", he said.

Kwacam said the election of the Senate President is between Abdulaziz Yari and Godswill Akpabio; “but they want to ignore the court order and illegally arrest Abdulaziz Yari and later release him after the election. We won’t allow it to happen. Our eyes are open. We know their pursuits. Those who are planning this thing should not throw this country into mess and insecurity because whoever is elected in Nigeria is elected by the will of his people, and no one is forced to vote for someone else”, he said. 

He elucidated that Bola Ahmad Tinubu some people don’t want him to be President; “but because former President Muhammadu Buhari conducted free and fair elections, Tinubu emerge victorious”.

So, he urged President Bola Ahmad Tinubu to allow the members of the Senate and House Assembly to elect their leaders willingly. 

Kwacam said if leaders of the 10th assembly were forced on people, the President would face a lot of setbacks in his administration. 

He lastly called on the members of the Assembly to not dance to the tune of someone but to elect the leaders that will serve the interest of the people and the nation.

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