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Police Arrested Man For Setting A Teenager Ablaze In Bauchi — Africa Daily News

Police operatives attached to the Command acted on Credible Intelligence arrested one Hamza Umar "M"aged 30yrs of Rafin Albasa area of Bauchi for causing grievous hurt and attempt to commit offence to-wit Culpable Homicide.

According to the narration by the accused (Hamza Umar)the victim ,Hafsat Bala entered his residence in Rafin Albasa area of Bauchi and walked around the premises. He asked her what brought her into his compound and  In response, the girl told him that she was sent by her eldest sister to come and kill him.

The accused ( Mr Hamza Umar) tried to send her away from his compound, but the victim resisted, claiming that she was asked to bury some charms at the corner of the House. 

The suspect further asked the victim to remove what she claimed to have buried in his compound but she refused. The suspect became furious  at this point and  poured her kerosene and set her ablaze in his compound, claiming she  was a witch.   

On receiving the information, a team of detectives led by the Divisional Police Officer(DPO) rushed to the scene and evacuated the victim to Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University Teaching Hospital (ATBUTH), Bauchi for immediate medical attention.

 Meanwhile, the suspect will be charged to Court for the established Offences upon completion of the Investigation unfailingly.

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