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Court Jails 32-yr-old Man For Cutting Off Friend’s Hands In Bauchi— Africa Daily News

By Abdulwahab Muhammad, Bauchi.

The Bauchi State Chief Magisterate Court CMC number12 presided over by  HarunaAbdulmumini Mamman  has sentenced a 32 year old man Auwal Usmanto two years in the correctional center for cutting the two hands of his friend with matchette.

The Prosecutor Inspector Yusuf Musa earlier told the court that the suspect Awwal Usman of Dogon Ruwa village Ari in Ningi Local Government Area of Bauchi State had a misunderstanding without Sabo Abduwa, it result to physical fight as a result of that Awwal brought a matchette and stabbed his friend in his two hands one hand fell down while the remaining one is dangling, 

Police prosecutor said Abduwa was taken to General Hospital Ningi where the remaining hand was amputated save his life because of the seriuos injuries he sustained as a result of the deep cut ,contrary to section 241 of the penal code.

The suspect admitted the chages against him and plead for leniency from the court being the first offender.

In his judgement the presiding Chief magistrate Mamman said the court was convinced that the victim lost his two hands as a result of the heinous act of the suspect Awwal, which will render the victim disable.

Mamman sentenced him to two years in correctional service without an option of fine for causing grievous hurt contrary to section 241 of the penal code and ordered him to pay 150,000 medical expenses spent by the victim.

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