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Maulud: Stop Cursing Your Leaders, Guard Your Utterances, Ibrahim Dahiru Bauchi Urges Muslim Clerics

By Abdulwahab Muhammad, Bauchi

An Islamic Scholar Sheikh Ibrahim Sheikh Dahiru Usman Bauchi has called on religious clerics in the country to shun unguarded statements capable of inciting violence and threatening the peaceful co-existence among muslims in the country.

Ibrahim who is the eldest son of Sheikh Dahiru, stated this when he addressed a Press Conference in Bauchi on the part of Preparation for eid el Maulud celebration. "What leads to hatred and acrimony between religious clerics is mostly verbal attack against one's understanding by clerics ".

 He appealed to the people, particularly the Ulamas to desist from casting aspersions on one another in the course of preaching. 

He said that mutual understanding and living on the age-long culture of harmonious coexistence was necessary to ensure stability in the polity. Ibrahim enjoined Nigerians to stop cursing their leaders because of the current hardship in the country. 

Ibrahim said" hardship or enjoyment are all from almighty Allah , what Nigerians should to at this time is to return to Allah and expressed optimism that things would change for the better. “What is expected of us are patience and prayers, and we must stand up to make things better in our own way through legitimate ways.We must desist from abusing or cursing our leaders, great Islamic Scholars , like Shehu Tijjani, Sheikh Ibrahim, Shehu Abdulkadir, Shehu DanFodiyo who are among the exalted servants of Allah that contributed immensely to the growth of Islam,because the Holy Prophet is against that. And we should not involve ourselves in corrupt practices and other atrocities because our religion preaches against it. We must change for the better and remain committed to the peace and development of our society.”

 The Scholar harped on unity, while appealing to Muslims to practice religious rights in accordance with Islamic teachings and discouraged them from promoting issues that would divide the ummah.

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