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Islamic Movement Asks President Biden To Support Immediate Ceasefire In Gaza

The Islamic Movement, also known as Shiites, has asked the President Joe Biden-led United States’ government and other world leaders  to support immediate ceasefire in the ongoing crisis between Hamas and Israel.

The religious group made this call in a statement released on Tuesday by Sidi Mainasara, a member of the movement, urging Joe Biden to stop all his support for Israel in order to stop the “killing of unarmed females and children in Gaza”.

On October 7, simmering tension between Israel and Hamas escalated after the Palestinian militant group launched an unprecedented incursion into Israeli territory.

The group took 240 Israelis hostage. Israel responded with retaliatory air strikes that have so far killed more than 19,000 people in Gaza.

The Shiites statement reads: “Since October 7, 2023, the Israeli army continued its aggression against the people of Palestine, mostly females and children, destroying buildings and targeting hospitals. We have seen videos of young people crying about torture, little children sitting in pools of blood and debris, fathers carrying their lifeless kids.

“This pains our hearts and souls and fills us with an unbearable rage. The Northern Gaza strip campaign arrest, indiscriminate bombing, an unjust siege, the cutting of all means of communication, and the destruction of all hospitals, all of which are out of service.

“Explosions are still continuing and the Zionist entity is still massacring the unarmed Palestinian men, women and children all with full support from the United State of America.

“In view of the forgoing, we call on the United States of America to immediately stop the ongoing genocide in Gaza.”

The Israeli government had earlier insisted on its stand that it must wipe out the Hamas militant group after its October 7 attack on Israel.

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