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Late Sa'adu Zungur, Others Honoured By Bauchi Varsity 65 Years After His Death

By Abdulwahab Muhammad, Bauchi

The Bauchi State University Gadau BASUG has honoured the legend late Mallam Ahmed Muhammed Sa'adu Zungur with post homous honourary Doctorate Degree, and four other illustrious sons of the state with honorary doctorate degrees in its 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,6th and 7th combined convocation ceremony. 

Other recipients of the honorary degree awards include Bauchi State Governor Senator Bala Abdulkadir Muhammed, Former Bauchi State Governor Mallam Isa Yuguda, Emir of Katagum Alhaji Farouk Umar II, and Alhaji Rilwanu Suleiman Adamu Emir of Bauchi, amongst others.

Vice-chancellor (VC), of the varsity Professor Fatima Tahir, stated that the five distinguished personalities honoured by the university at the convocation, described the awards as “apt” and “very worthy.

”She said they were honoured because of their various contributions to the growth of the University and their selfless services they have been rendering to the growth and development of the society.

The VC congratulated the awardees, whom she said had distinguished themselves in their various fields and had been an encouragement to the institution.

“We are proud to announced the graduation of a total of 7029 bachelor's degrees Among which, 184 (2.6%) are with first class; 2368 (32.8%) with second class upper, 3593 (51.1%) with second class lower division and others with 3 class and pass degrees. As for postgraduates, we are today graduating 484 across various programmes, postgraduate Diploma 119.” 

Professional Masters 193,and Academic Masters 183"

Professor Fatima who congratulated the graduands on the academic feat, rejoiced with them and their families for the journey so far.

Former Bauchi State Governor Mallam Isa Yuguda, in his remarks on behalf of the awardees thanked residents of the state for the recognitions given them, saying “the honour belongs to Allah who made all things realistic.

“As we received these honorary degrees, we are mindful of the responsibility that comes with them. We are aware that we are not only being honoured for our past accomplishments but also for our potential to contribute to the future of our country and humanity.”

He said they are now challenged to use their knowledge, skills, and talents to help Nigeria overcome its contemporary challenges of insecurity, high unemployment, poverty and spiralling inflation accompanied by the ever-rising cost of living among socioeconomic indicators.

Bauchi State Governor, Senator Bala Abdulkadir Mohammed, has called on the students of Saadu Zungur University, popularly known as BASUG, to imbibe the culture of discipline, hard work and respect for lecturers, university authorities as well as refraining from anti social behavior and the influence of bad companies.

Governor Bala said that his administration is poised to provide infrastructural facilities and necessary support to the state owned tertiary institutions to ensure a hitch-free academic activities.

While commenting on his conferment with the doctorate degree (Honoris Causa), Doctor of Letters by the university, in recognition of his exceptional accomplishments and dedication to rebuilding Bauchi, the Governor said the Educational Summit his administration has initiated will hold on 18-19th December, and is aimed at transforming the sector with emphasis on designing a good roadmap whose implementation will ensure equitable access to quality and functional education.

He called on the management of the institution to come up with ideas on how to surmount the ever increasing security challenges bedevilling the state and the nation especially server crimes, kidnapping and drug addiction. Governor Bala advised the staff of the university to uphold the culture of selflessness, fellowship and commitment, imbibing the spirit of give and take, cooperating with the management towards the progress of Bauchi state and its citizens.

“This award is a honor well deserved to people who have used knowledge for the betterment of our çountry.”

Governor Bala told the graduating Students to see their achievement as a testament to hard work, resilience and determination, urging them, to carry the values and lessons learned into their future endeavors.

“Embrace innovation, seek continuous improvement and be catalysts for positive change in our society. I encourage you to be the lifelong learners, to be adaptable, and use your skills and knowledge to uplift our dear state and country.” He concluded.

Earlier in his speech, chancellor of the varsity the Emir of Bauchi Alhaji Rilwanu Suleimanu Adamu Jumba, has appealed to Nigerians to pray for peace and the unity of the country, “because without peace, nothing can be done or achieved”.

The Chancellor, while congratulating the recipients, hoped and prayed that they would bring their wealth of experiences and influences to contribute to the growth and development of the university. You would recalled that, The Legend Malam Sa’adu Zungur lived between 1914 and 1958, he was a great prescient thinker, prolific writer, astute journalist, progressive activist, nationalist politician, gifted orator, poet and perspicacious intellectual. 

Mal. Sa’du Zungur had during his life time in the struggle to emancipate the society from shackles of political bondage, mass illiteracy, social inequality and emasculation of freedom of expression, rendered unwavering commitment and zeal to transforming the society in the perspectives of a more progressive, dynamic and informed environment with equal and available opportunities for all to contribute, for the collective public interest and development.

Famous among his poetry works included Arewa Jumhuriya ko Mulukiya, Wakar ‘Yan Baka, Waka, Jihadin Neman Sawaba, Wakar ‘Yan Bidia and Maraba da Soja.

His literary works were mainly political songs containing prophesies with which the masses in Northern Nigeria interpreted their future. They are also poems politically fully charged with mobilization for the education of the common man for full self actualization.

Sa’adu Zungur criticized the Almajiri system of education which indoctrinates begging in the younger persons in Northern Nigeria.
As many would say, most of what Saadu Zungur prophesied about the economic and educational backwardness of Northern Nigeria if leaders did not take caution came to pass, He described the political future of Northern Nigeria with amazing precision. 

His untiring efforts, dedication, zeal and commitment demonstrated during his life time in the political arena, especially teaming up with Dr Nnamdi Azikwe as Secretary-General of National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC); and in journalism when he served as correspondent and syndicate columnist for the frontline newspapers of his time: Nigeria Review, West African Pilot, Eastern Nigeria Guardian, Nigerian Spokesman, Southern Nigeria Defender, and Daily Comet, and Jaridar Gaskiya Ta Fi Kwabo; in social mobilization as he formed and used forums such as  Hausa Youth Keep Fit Class, Northern Nigeria Youth Movement (Zaria Friendly Society). 

Northern Provinces General Improvement Union, Bauchi Discussion Circle, and Bauchi General Improvement Union. In intellectual engagements he was involved actively in writing incisive poems for information dissemination, community mobilization, and political awareness and consciousness All these cumulatively turned around the fortunes of the political tide and galvanized the frontline activists, especially in the northern part of the country for mass political movement and consciousness that laid the golden foundation of today’s legacies.

Back in 1958 at the eve of the Country’s Independence, his demise was like a meteor fallen, because late Sa’adu Zungur was regarded as one of the finest political activists, and great social mobilizers the country has so far produced. His contributions in varying spheres of human lives will continue to be remembered and appreciated for many generations ahead.

Late Zungur possessed strength in humility accentuated by tolerance, perseverance, intellectual aura and fine character. A resilient personality, he had an inbuilt personage of a focused visionary ideologue with remarkable abilities in variety of intellectual accomplishments, mentorship in matters of political sagacity and professional touches.

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