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Nigerian Government Declares Public Holidays For Christmas, New Year Celebrations

The Nigerian government has declared Monday, and Tuesday, December, 25 and 26 2023, and Monday, January 1, 2024, as public holidays to mark Christmas and New Year’s Day celebrations, respectively.

The Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo, who made the declaration on Friday, on behalf of the Nigerian government, felicitates with Christians and all Nigerians at home and in the Diaspora on this occasion.

Dr Tunji-Ojo enjoined Christians to emulate the life of Jesus Christ in his practice and teachings of humility, service, compassion, and patience.

He stressed that peace and security are critical prerequisites for economic development and prosperity.

The minister assured that the Federal Government under the leadership of President Bola Tinubu would continue to put in place effective measures for the security of lives and property.

He urged Nigerians to be security conscious, and report any suspicious persons or activities to the nearest security agencies.

He reiterated that the Yuletide season calls for discipline to protect the lives and property of everyone in their respective communities and the nation as a whole.

Tunji-Ojo admonished all citizens to remain focused that, the year 2024 will be a better year with the Renewed Hope agenda of the President.

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