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Perpetrators Of 2015 Zaria Massacre Must Brought to Book — Islamic Movement

Exactly eight years after the 12 December 2015 Zaria Massacre, the Islamic Movement in Nigeria, has called for the prosecution of the perpetrators and executors of the 2015 massacre in Zaria, Kaduna State, where hundreds of its members were killed. 

Addressing newsmen in Abuja, a member of the Islamic Movement, Prof. Dauda Nalado, extended the Movement’s appreciation to those that stood by them during the time.

He said, “As you are all aware, tyranny and injustice never flourishes, and there is always a day of reckoning. We will never forget whatever oppression meted out to us.

“We will like to once again reiterate our call for Justice; that the masterminds and executors of the Zaria massacre be brought to account. We wish to extend our appreciations to all those who stood by us during the trying moments”.

Nalado seized the opportunity to condemn the war crimes of the apartheid Israel on Gaza and expressed the Movement’s solidarity with the Palestinian struggle.

“We wish to once again join hands with other well-meaning Nigerians to condemn the Tudun-Biri massacre of yet another group of innocent Muslims who gathered to celebrate the Maulud of our noble Prophet Muhammad (SAAW). The avoidable act was committed in the name of ‘mistake’ by the Nigerian security forces.

“We make bold to say that the unfortunate and adamant silence or even applause on the Zaria massacre encouraged committing such atrocities in other places.

“The recent condemnations from numerous groups against the Tudun-Biri massacre are commendable. This is therefore another eye-opener as, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” he added

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