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Bauchi State Legionaires Wives Gets Association's Succour

By Idris Shehu

National President of Legionaires Wives Association of Nigeria has distributed over Two Hundred Rapers and other Palliative items to women and widows of fallen heroes and retired soldiers in Bauchi State. 

National chairperson of the association, Fatima Idris Danjuma said the gesture is to ease the hardships face by the members in remembrance of 2021 Armed Forces Remembrance Day in Bauchi. 

According to her, the same gesture will be given to Members in all States of the federation including FCT, in other to feel sense of humanity. 

Danjuma explained that families of the fallen heroes are facing serious challenges in the country such as lack of social amenities, quality education among others. 

She noted that despite the contribution given by the fallen heroes to protect the integrity of the nation and peace building, yet their families are left behind in dividend of democracy. 

Fatima therefore called on the Governments at all levels and well to do individuals to come to their aids to fulfill their dreams of humanity. 

The association chairperson applauded the sacrifice showing by the members across the nation to uplift the image of the Association. 

She assured her readiness to represent the members in all capacity before the relevant authorities in the country.

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