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Does A Football Match Have To Be Played? By S. Yusuf Kafin Maiyaki

One needs to go to the nearest psychiatric hospital for a check-up if he/she thinks that there's still a central authority governing this country. 

I am sick and worn out of seeing this clueless, thoughtless, and nugatory administration because I do accept as true that things will no longer pass as easily as we anticipated this chameleonic administration to make them.

It will take you ages, in case you want to count the number of limitless assaults made by terrorists in a single day. The recent train attack needed the eyes of this lethargic administration to be there at least to console the victims, rather than going to the stadium to watch world cup qualifiers involving Nigeria and Ghana.

 To be candid, I loved how those indefatigable Ghanian footballers crushed our untrained footballers the day before this.

In a country that respects its residents and treats them as human beings, even the match would be postponed concerning the victims of the attack, but the blood of its loving and patriotic residents had been shed and the news of their demise remains fresh in the minds of its people, and a football match had to be played?

What that tattered administration had to say was; "I am shocked! And I assure you that our administration might cope with them (terrorists)". This is an old expression that the administration has been uttering whilst a terrible thing keeps coming back to its people. This useless expression does nothing but add salt to the wounds of its law-abiding residents.

May the Almighty Allah rescue us from the torment of these cruel terrorists and our tyrant leaders.

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  1. Yusuf S. You have spoken the minds of millions of devastated and unnerved Nigerian citizens about the government of the agents of doom

  2. That's d fact. Life no get value 4 Nigeria.
