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NBTE Inspects Facilities at Malikiyya College, to Accredit Courses — Africa Daily News

By Abdulwahab Muhammad, Bauchi 

The National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) commenced inspection of facilities in the process to  accreditation of some courses in Malikiya College of Health and Social Sciences Bauchi.

The registrar of the college, Malam Tafida Mohammed Dagauda explained this to newsmen at the end of insoection visit by offucial of NBTE for the accreditation of some courses, yesterday in Bauchi. 

He said that the seven courses to be accredited including National Diploma in Community Health, National Diploma Health, National Diploma Pharmacy, National Diploma Environmental Health, Information Management.

Others were Higher National Diploma in Information Technology, Higher National Diploma in Dental Health as well as Higher National Diploma in Environmental Management. He said that the college is making efforts to introduce new courses like epidemiology, disease control and Nursing and Midwifery courses. He said that the college had so far more than three thousand students, 66 permanent staff, 170 part-time staff comprising of holder’s of PHD's Masters, experienced passed degree holders and professional respectively.

The registrar said that “the institution is very much prepared and received the NBTE team since two weeks back, adding that NBTE had earlier visited the school in 2020, 2022 and they are also here now for the second round of the visit. “so far they’ve gone through to inspect the output, input and all other facilities, laboratories, texts books and equipment’s as well as the courses so that we’ll achieve the desired goals.

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